Research and Student Development
The Research and Student Development Department leads all grant funded ‘research’ projects at Indian Health Council. We partner with local academic institutions, tribal communities, and other research organizations to conduct community-based research projects that “Empower Native Wellness,” prevent disease, and improve the understanding of health information. Evaluation and dissemination of projects aid in the development and implementation of programs and services that meet specific community needs.
TEPOC Summit 2021
Recruitment and Research Studies
Check back soon for information on how IHC will be recruiting for and participating in new research studies and projects in the future.
Our Programs
Check out the video from the 3rd Annual Inter-Tribal Tobacco Prevention Youth Summit! TEPOC wants to encourage you to keep Tobacco Sacred. Contact IHC's TEPOC program in the Research and Student Development Department to learn more about Commercial Tobacco Cessation and Prevention.
"Video production provided by Condor Visual Media"
IHC's Research and Student Development Department is committed to upholding the highest standards of ethics, honesty, and integrity in community based research that aims to "Empower Native Wellness," for the nine-tribe consortium and others working with American Indian/Alaska Natives.
IHC's Student Development Program
In partnership with CA-NARCH, the Student Development Program helps native students achieve careers in healthcare and STEM sciences. The program provides mentorship and the opportunity for students to engage in research projects and shadow clinical professionals.
California Native American Research Center for Health
A Partnership for Native American Health
Greater tribal involvement in their healthcare · Recruitment of Native Americans into health and science careers · Research linked to the health priorities of Native Americans.
IHC, in partnership with academic institutions California State University San Marcos, Palomar Community College, San Diego State University and University of California San Diego, is funded as a Native American Research Center for Health (CA-NARCH) by the National Institutes for Health (NIH) and Indian Health Services (IHS). It is one of 14 NARCH organizations in the United States.
Under the leadership of Dan Calac, MD (Indian Health Council) and Stephanie Brodine, MD (SDSU), CA-NARCH began as an exciting concept funded by seed money in 2001. A NARCH grant of $1.3 million in 2003 enabled CA-NARCH to begin fully pursuing its goals to strengthen tribal sovereignty over the healthcare of the community and to recruit and support students pursuing science and health fields.
CA-NARCH Mission
The CA-NARCH is a partnership of Tribal/Urban Indian Organizations and academic institutions committed to working together to increase the number of American Indian/Alaska Native scientists and health professionals; and to reduce health disparities in Native American populations.
Goals of the CA-NARCH
Develop a team of Native American scientists and health professionals engaged in biomedical, clinical, and behavioral research.
To promote community based participatory research in Native American communities.
Encourage competitive research to reduce health disparities.