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Day 3 & 4: SRNT Annual Meeting in Edinburgh, Scotland!

IHC's TEPOC (Tobacco Education Prevention Outreach Cessation) program is attending the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (SRNT) Annual Meeting in Edinburgh, Scotland on March 20-23. Here are highlights from Day 3 and 4 shared by Chase Kornacki, TEPOC Project Coordinator.

SRNT awards ceremony

During Day 3, we attended a variety of sessions: misleading commercial tobacco marketing tactics, the dangers of cannabinoid product availability in vape shops, and community-engaged approaches to tobacco cessation treatment. Some of these sessions were presented by our new colleagues at UCSD and UCSF. Another highlight of Day 3 was the SRNT awards ceremony, where researchers were honored for their impactful contributions. Being recognized was a humbling experience, and witnessing the dedication of fellow researchers was inspiring.

Day 4 included a special session, "Employing Qualitative Research Methods to Promote Health Equity in Nicotine and Commercial Tobacco." This novel addition to SRNT's conference agenda featured two presentations by our friends and colleagues, Lani Teddy and Juliet Lee.

A presentation slide from Lani Teddy!

As the conference drew to a close, we celebrated with a visit to Edinburgh Castle, accompanied by the TEPOC Team, families, and Oceania research friends.

Our time in Edinburgh was incredible! We can't wait to return to IHC with gained knowledge, new connections, and immense inspiration. We would like to give a heartfelt "thank you" to CA-NARCH, UCOP TRDRP, NIDA, and SRNT.

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